
The salvation of every Muslim depends upon the basic beliefs upheld by him/her, and if this concept is inculcated to every child’s conscience then the society can be established on Islamic values. Keeping this view in mind, after ten years of research and development the formation of Assas institute has taken place so /hence such a course could be arranged which could strengthen the conscience of a Muslim and provide protection against various seditions. Alhamdulillah! This is very first formal attempt by Assas Institute for preparing proper syllabus for the preservation of basic beliefs which has started from May of 2022 during the blessed month of Ramadan. For this endeavor, while preparing content contemporary requites along with the interests of new generation is being catered for. In addition to that co-circular activities, quizzes, workshops, teacher trainings and summer camps are going to be conducted as well.


To rectify beliefs with via education.


Our institution shall use curriculum, magazines, animations, social media and every other possible means / forms of communication to successfully achieve its objectives. 

Assas Quiz Booklets

Assas is striving to create awareness about the Belief of finality of Prophet hood and Namoos e Risalat (S.A.W.W) by means of co-circular activities. Alhamdulillah! To achieve these objectives ten introductory booklets have been completed.


Projects in process:

Due to there being no curriculum / syllabus about the Belief of Finality of Prophethood being taught in modern / contemporary educational institutions a huge need for it was being felt. In order to fulfill this perquisites a complete set of books for class one to eighth shall be prepared. For this purpose the practices of modern / contemporary educational instructions will also be considered as well while making the syllabus. Upon completion, this would indeed be the very first effort of its kind being done for publishing such content for modern educational institutions. 

Khatem e Nabuwat Course/Syllabus:



Engaging the interest of children with the help of stories, dialogues and real life events/occurrences.


The presence of suspense in a story increase its popularity and becomes a mode to gain the attention of readers. With the help of this technique difficult topics can be explained in becoming manner. This mode of storytelling is admired by individuals belonging to various age groups and professions. To consistently elucidate the Belief of Finality of Prophet hood in this way is indeed a rudimentary achievement, which will Insha Allah commence soon.


Currently animation / cartoon is the most frequently used medium around the world for giving moral and mental training to young children. The rapid increase in this trend is nothing short of a sign of great danger. The non-mulsims are using it to spread their morals and values in homes of mulsims. Yet on the other hand mulims are unable to take any concrete actions to safeguard their ideology. To help fill this gap and to secure the faith and beliefs of new generation definite actions are being taken.